A PR guru. A strategic business partner. A story teller. A content expert. A media influencer. A social media strategist. A branding whiz.
I develop strategic communications, brand pitches, media engagement and PR campaigns that get you noticed.
My expertise in media strategy, PR consulting, content development, brand engagement, corporate communications and compelling story-driven content gives me the edge.
And my small but powerful roster of clients get that edge too.
I have an acute insight into communications that work at all levels and the ability to roadmap “pain points” by providing detailed solutions that my clients can implement immediately.
By masterfully telling my clients story at all levels, I use my 15 years of experience as a PR leader, entrepreneur, content creator and an innovative game changer to get the results on television, in print, radio and the digital landscape.
Every single time.
As an advisor and strategic partner to my clients, I help develop and oversee the execution of multi-dimensional value-add communication strategies that get maximum media, brand and social media exposure for my clients.
I’m my clients “secret weapon”. And to be honest, I am brilliant at what I do. I never compete with my clients’ expectations. Rather I understand them, meet them and then exceed them.
Interested in working with me? Let’s Connect.